Roosevelt Kindergarteners Raise Caterpillars

Roosevelt Kindergarteners Raise Caterpillars
Posted on 04/30/2021
Caterpillars and ButterfliesAs most students were getting ready for spring break, some of the kindergarteners at Roosevelt had one more thing that needed to be done.  Our students released the butterflies that they raised from the caterpillar stage.  During the weeks leading up to this great event, the students had the opportunity to watch the caterpillars eat the needed vegetation for energy and to pupate into a chrysalis.  From there, it was a waiting game for about a week.  At that time, the butterflies began to pull themselves out of the chrysalis and slowly flapped their wings to help dry them off and become ready for flight.  On Friday, April 16th, the students went outside to have their snacks and say goodbye to friends who would hopefully continue to help pollinate flowers and help with the circle of life. The students loved this opportunity to see the butterflies leave their netting and fly to the trees on our school grounds.
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